In 2016, I visited Nimbokrang to survey the location of the birds of paradise after in Raja Ampat. At first, there was no guesthouse or lodge in Nimbokrang like in Arfak. The first time I came, I was staying at a local restaurant that was willing to give me a room to stay. after observing and also seeing the situation, at that moment I thought of inviting the owner of the restaurant to build several rooms since there was still an empty land behind his restaurant. In
the end we agreed to work together to build a guesthouse on his land. I invested all equipment in the guesthouse starting from the bed, Air condition and hot water shower. Until now, the guesthouse that we built
is used to welcome Sultan Birding guests. we are very happy to be able to help local people by giving them a way to increase their economic income. This also makes the facilities we provide to our guests in accordance with the standards we have set, Sultan Birding is providing a comfortable place to stay while birding in Nimbokrang Jayapura Papua. the meals are also very good here cook by the local from Java at the restaurant just nearby.