Our People

Sultan Birding Trips
Mohamad Naliko (Monal Capellone)

Mohamad Naliko (Monal Capellone)

Founder, Birding Tour Operator, English speaking Bird Guide

Founder of Sultan Birding Tours Indonesia with a strong passion for both bird photography and birdwatching. He is also a professional birding tour operator/leader which brought him to travel, organizing, and conducting birding trips to many hot spot birding destinations throughout the islands of Indonesia. Monal is energetic and looks rather unique for a bird guide with a smile always on his face, he is an extremely friendly and helpful person. Despite the look, he can be very serious when in pursue for target birds in every birding trip he is handling, but also a very relaxed and funny guy when the job is done properly and professionally.

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Ning Ahmad

Ning Ahmad

Financial and Logistic Manager

Nining Ahmad is the financial manager of Sultan Birding Tours. She used to work as a manager at a famous souvenir shop in Manado located next to Monal’s former office where she of course met Monal and they both fell in love and got married. They build the company together from the very first until now. She is also in charge of managing the tour logistics, so in fact she is the operational heart of the company. Modest and friendly, always taking the next step to arrange everything perfectly.

Meriba Suade

Meriba Suade

Bird Guide

Meriba Suade, a knowledgeable, legal, and experienced tour guide who loves his profession, has been working more than 23 years handling tourist around Indonesia focused on culture, adventure tour and tribes tour in Sumatera, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Papua, and West Papua escorting either individual, local or group foreigner from the Netherlands, England, and the Czech Republic. He has worked with many tour operators for several years before joining Sultan Birding Tours. Nowadays, he is focusing on Birdwatching tours around Sulawesi, Molluca, and Papua. In his 53 years old, he never stops learning more about bird species. That is what he likes to do the most. His full responsibility and professionalism in handling tours makes Sultan Birding Tours hands and believes him to work as one of our tour leaders.



Bird Guide in Lore Lindu National Park

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Yorel Lengkong

Yorel Lengkong

Driver in Manado

Yorel is a professional car driver in Manado, he drives very carefully and he knows every place to go in Sulawesi.



Member Support Team West Papua and Driver

Mustian or we usually call him Iyan, has joined the Sultan Birding Tours since 2017 until now. His main focuses are covering areas in West Papua especially in Malagufuk, Sorong, and also Raja Ampat. He is also one of the professional drivers that Sultan Birding Tours has Aside from that, he is currently taking his focuses in the birding world to becoming a special bird guide for Bird of Paradise in West Papua. He knows everything about Papua. Born in the land of west Indonesia made he knows everything about Papua very well more than anyone else. Taking a trip with him will bring you to get to know Papua more deeply. He is a charismatic person and totality in doing his work.



Car driver & Drone Pilot

Alex have work for long time with us, he is professional car driver and recently he is also have a talent to play the drone, he recording our birding activities and then he has made a lot of video from our trip.



Bird Guide

Anes is our bird guide who lives near Tangkoko Park, He knows very well the bird’s location, has sharp eyes to spot the birds, he can see the not moved bird inside the park.

Niko's Brothers

Niko's Brothers

our supporting birding team Maibri Village, Arfak

They are members of our supporting birding team in Maibri Village, Arfak, The team build up the hides, make te trail to the birding site and they also preparing the birds feeding station before our clients arrive, They are also strong camera porters and they  are taking care of the birding locations in maibri village and they have sharp eyes to spot the birds. Niko is consider as their leader in the team and Niko also has special skill to find the nest of Masked bowerbird, Feline owtlet-nighjar and other birds species.



Bird Guide in Fak Fak Papua

Apong is his common name, He is native people from Java, but has been living for many years  in Fak-Fak as one of regency in West Papua, therefore He knows-well where to find birds, Reptiles and Mammals in his area. Apong is involved as our support local guide on arranging bird photography/birding trips and Wildlife tours in Fak-Fak regency. 


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